Luxury industry
of branded products sold could be counterfeit
of consumers may have purchased a counterfeit product over the last 12 months
7 times more
customs seizures over the last 10 years
Secure traceability
Accurate tracking of production is vital to ensuring that you are protected against illicit markets. This can be achieved by using unique QR codes for each product. By implementing a secure traceability solution, you can track and trace your products and components to measure production volumes and monitor your distribution networks. Our IDPackLine® traceability software is designed to accommodate various production speeds and large output volumes. With these tracking techniques in place, you can guarantee the quality and authenticity of your products – throughout the supply chain.
- Tracing and adding value to different components.
- Monitoring production volumes.
- Monitoring distribution networks.
- All individual products are identified by means of a unique code.

Anti-counterfeiting technology
The SEALVector® code is an innovative technology that guarantees strong product security. With SEALVector® technology, you can protect your brand, your products and the jobs that depend on them. Reinforced authentication makes it more difficult to commit fraud, limiting any loss of turnover. Product counterfeiting can take a financial toll on your business, the risk of which can be minimized by using unique codes that are capable of being authenticated. Equipped with our technologies, you can build consumer confidence in your brand and help your business grow.
- Protecting your products, your brand and your jobs.
- Limiting loss of turnover.
- Improving consumer confidence.
- Eliminating counterfeit products.
Mobile marketing
Expand your brand using innovative marketing channels! Turn your product into a new communication channel to engage consumers with your brand and promote targeted communication campaigns. In an increasingly crowded market, exclusive and targeted communications are key to successful marketing campaigns. Our solutions go beyond strong authentication and secure traceability to help you deploy innovative marketing campaigns tailored to the consumer. Using the product itself as a marketing channel means generating more revenue and building consumer loyalty.
- Promoting sales.
- Building customer loyalty.
- A proprietary communication channel.
- Creating innovative marketing campaigns.