Technologies & products

Advanced Track and Trace is an information technology company that develops digital seals adapted to meet the needs of our customers. These seals can be applied via labels and packaging (primary or secondary) or affixed directly to the product. The codes also feature PUF (physical unclonable function) technology, which allows for products to be identified and traced by the unit.

This innovative range of solutions is extremely flexible and easy to integrate into a brand’s design; the digital seals can be used to secure QR codes, for example, or combined with other public codes that may be used by the brand. Our codes are easy to read using a smartphone scanner.

Our solutions and innovations are protected by patents:

  • SEALVector®: A private tracer for authentication and identification that can be marked in a variety of ways to prevent the product or document from being copied.
  • GhostSEAL®: Invisible identification element that is hidden from the naked eye and only revealed when read on a smartphone.
  • SEALCrypt®: A printed secure data container that can be read easily with a smartphone, this is a cheaper, simpler and more environmentally friendly alternative to an electronic chip.
  • SEALTile®: A covert tracer for authentication and identification, this Level 3 security authenticator cannot be copied.
  • SEALgn@ture®: A tracer for banknote authentication, this unclonable Level 3 security authenticator enables banknote verification via an inspector’s device.
  • Titanium®: A public QR code authenticator featuring Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 security authentications for access to a security print or imprint such as a guilloche or target pattern.
  • Token Vector®: An encrypted alphanumeric code that can be used as a unique code for multiple security features on a product or packaging.
  • SEALStamp®: A covert data container on a tax stamp.
  • Public codes: All public codes, public-private code combinations and marketing codes (colours, visuals, etc.). We also manage all public codes that can be easily paired with our protected codes.
ATT - Seal_Vector
Patented by ATT, SEALVector® is a forgery-proof code for tracing and authentication. It performs three functions:
  • Enabling a brand to affix a mark of ownership to any object or graphic representation, whether in digital or physical form.
  • Providing evidence of the modification of a physical or digital image.
  • Providing evidence of the illegal copying of a physical, two-dimensional object.
In addition to its copy detection capabilities, each SEALVector® code carries a unique identity that can be tracked and enables the tracing of upstream production operations.
A tracer and authenticator that is unique on the market:
  • Tried and tested and secure: Integrated into billions of products every year and used in the banknote sector for several years, SEALVector® offers the highest level of security and is used as legal proof in several countries.
  • Environmental impact: No consumables are required; when printed, it uses existing consumables. The code is marked using simple laser abrasion, with no impact on the environmental footprint of the product.
  • Inconspicuous: Measuring from a few microns to a few millimetres squared, SEALVector® fits all sizes and types of products and packaging. It can be hidden in the background of a print or a logo, among other options.
  • Competitive and easy to use: Compatible with existing equipment, easy to integrate and use, it can be scanned on the spot via a simple smartphone without access to a database.
GhostSEAL® is a simple solution for controlling the grey market through discreet markings on the physical substrate of each product, enabling unique identification.
  • Inconspicuous: GhostSEAL® stands out for its discretion. Nearly imperceptible to the naked eye, it seamlessly integrates into the original design of your product’s packaging without compromising its aesthetics.
  • Uniqueness: Each code is unique, enabling for individual product identification. This significantly enhances unit traceability, playing a crucial role in preventing parallel market distribution.
  • Robustness: The marking provides protection against fraudulent attempts and brand usurpation. Even a fragment of the packaging is sufficient for product identification, emphasizing the security offered by this solution.
  • Readability: GhostSEAL® is easily readable through a smartphone app, ensuring a quick and accessible verification process for both consumers and inspectors. This feature guarantees immediate confirmation of product identification, reinforcing customer confidence and brand trust.
GhostSEAL® is a versatile solution, adapted to a multitude of media and needs, including the fight against parallel markets. The integration of this solution represents a breakthrough in supply-chain control, combining discretion, uniqueness, robustness and legibility. It’s an ideal solution for brands seeking to reinforce their security while preserving the integrity and aesthetics of their products.
The ATT solution is a patented digital watermark ideally printed with digital presses (Electro-Ink, Laser, Inkjet DOD, etc.) but can also be applied conventionally using conventional printing techniques (Offset, Flexography, etc.).
A highly secure and cost-effective data container code, the SEALCrypt® 2D code is designed to safeguard the integrity of data and the information contained within it, while preventing the manipulation, alteration and counterfeiting of such data. SEALCrypt® makes it possible to prevent document fraud, whether the documents are paper-based or digital.
  • The code is automatically generated by software when a document is issued.
  • It can be integrated into any print-editing workflow.
  • The code contains the strategic data.
  • It can be read on the spot with a smartphone, a tablet or a scanner.
  • No remote database access is required; everything is in the code.
  • Once the code has been scanned, the screen immediately displays the original data.
  • Automatic matching is also possible.
The high-density structure of the SEALCrypt® code enables the storage of large volumes of information, administrative data and other types of data such as photos, templates, etc.
The code is forgery-proof and can be scanned on the spot without access to a database, using any smartphone on the market. Using soft infrastructure, the SEALCrypt® code offers a high level of security thanks to public key cryptography; it can accommodate a certified signature that guarantees the identity of the issuing organization and the integrity of the data. Where necessary, the code supports scalability with the ability to add a photo or biometric level of security using fully disconnected facial recognition authentication, without the need to access a remote server or a centralized database. SEALCrypt® makes it possible to verify the integrity and consistency of visible, variable visual information with encrypted information. It also supports the embedding of additional information intended for authorized and confidential access.
The SEALCrypt® code is used to protect identity documents such as visas, licences and voter registration cards. SEALCrypt® has been used for more than five years in various countries – in the European Union, Asia and South America – where it proves its worth day after day.
The SEALCrypt® code is 100% compliant with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); the private data of the user or holder are only entered in the code and remain under their sole control (in compliance with standard XP CEV Z42-105).

Des technologies innovantes basées sur la technologie numérique :

  • Authentification by Design,
  • Fonctions physiques inclonables – P.U.F.
  • Identifications multifonctions,
  • Track & Trace sécurisé,
  • Sérialisation publique et privée,
  • Security by Design,
  • Containers de données.
ATT  suit depuis 2003 un processus permanent d’amélioration continue pour développer des solutions innovantes qui pourront s’appliquer à ses clients afin de renforcer les programmes en cours:
  • Utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle pour renforcer robustesse et pérennité,
  •  Qualification renouvelée des lectures smartphone et l’interopérabilité,
  • Nos data centers sont gérés en totale indépendance et dans le respect de la norme ISO27001.

Des métiers d’expertise autour de la sécurisation et la sérialisation des données :

  • Authentification forte immédiate,
  • Sérialisation de codes numériques publics et privés,
  • Anti-contrefaçon, détection de fraudes, Qualification de Hardware pour la lecture
  • Traçabilité unitaire, Track & Trace,
  • Intégrité des produits, des documents, des données,
  • Ingénierie industrielle: intégration sur sites, machines spéciales, couples écriture-lecture,
  • Maîtrise de la chaîne logistique et du retail,
  • Sélection de partenaires, Suivi et Qualité fournisseurs via un service de maintenance,
  • Qualification de téléphones comme outils d’engagement clients,
  • Services IT de développements de logiciels, de plateforme sur-mesure.