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Counterfeiting, refilling, and parallel markets pose significant risks to brands. Beyond simple copying, these illegal practices endanger companies’ reputations, deceive consumers, and disrupt supply chains. To combat these issues, brands must not only protect their visual identity and intellectual property but also implement rigorous traceability of their products, from production to the point of sale. 

Advanced technologies offer effective tools to combat these threats and guarantee product authenticity. 

Is counterfeiting harming your brand? Discover the solutions we offer to protect and preserve your brand’s reputation! 

Counterfeiting extends far beyond mere imitation ; it represents a significant threat to the long-term viability of brands. By damaging brand reputation and skewing competition, it leads to severe financial losses. 

Today’s consumers are more informed and discerning than ever, demanding authentic, safe, and responsible products. Counterfeiting deceives consumers, negatively impacting their perception of a brand and diminishing their purchasing experience. For brands, meeting these elevated expectations is critical. Implementing robust control systems not only ensures product authenticity but also fosters trust and enhances customer satisfaction. 

In response to the growing threat of counterfeiting, Advanced Track & Trace offers SEALVector®, a cutting-edge 2D code printed directly onto your product or packaging. SEALVector® enables unique authentication of each item, easily verified via smartphone, ensuring the integrity of your brand and protecting both consumers and businesses from counterfeit risks. 

Refilling: the ultimate challenge for brand protection. How to overcome it? 

Refilling, the practice of reusing authentic packaging to introduce counterfeit products, presents a significant threat to brand protection. This fraudulent activity is particularly damaging in industries like pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and wines and spirits, where it exposes consumers to serious health risks. Counterfeit products, often produced in unsanitary conditions, can contain harmful or ineffective substances. As a result, brands have a crucial social responsibility to protect their customers by combating refilling and ensuring the integrity of their products. 

To effectively address these challenges, Advanced Track & Trace recommends brands adopt innovative strategies such as integrating advanced traceability technologies, using tamper-evident seals, and raising consumer awareness. Advanced Track & Trace implements these strategies, enabling brands to reliably detect if a product has been tampered with, ensuring its integrity and instilling confidence in their customers. 

Are parallel markets cutting into your market share? Discover how to safeguard your revenue!

Parallel markets can be hard to detect once they are established, making it crucial to implement preventive measures to protect your products. That’s why Advanced Track & Trace offers comprehensive unit traceability and identification solutions designed to combat these markets. By tracking each product throughout its supply chain, you can quickly detect anomalies and identify the sources of diversion. 

Every brand has unique needs. We are here to help you implement a customized solution tailored to your needs. Meet our experts at the PCD London show, booth K24, on September 11th and 12th, 2024, to explore how we can support your business. 

Feel free to visit the PCD London show website: PCD London | Packaging of Perfume, Cosmetics and Design? ( 

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